How I unexpectedly wound up writing a children’s book


UPDATE: The Story of King Jesus is now available!

One Saturday when I was 5, I got down on my knees and prayed the sinner’s prayer. I only remember a few details from that day — mostly trivial ones like what we had for lunch.

(Tuna fish sandwiches, in case you were wondering.)

For many Christians, faith is all about The Decision. The earlier it’s made, the better. But if the stats are to be believed, more than half of my friends who prayed the same prayer as kids are no longer practicing Christians.

So maybe it’s time we reevaluate a decision-based approach to the gospel. Maybe we’re shortchanging our kids, who in many cases aren’t old enough to even know what they’re signing up for. Yes, Jesus said, “Let the little children come.” But he also told would-be followers to “count the cost” of discipleship.

When I prayed the sinner’s prayer, all I knew was I didn’t want to go to hell. And I wanted to eat my tuna fish sandwich.

But a decision-based approach also shortchanges the gospel by confusing the decision with the gospel itself. It reduces the gospel to a tool for sin management or hell avoidance.

The New Testament paints a more expansive picture of the gospel. It’s not merely a decision you make. It’s not a set of four spiritual laws. It’s not a wordless color book. It’s not something that can be reduced to a formula or an incantation.

It’s a story. It’s the story of God rescuing the world, bringing heaven to earth, advancing his kingdom. And it’s an invitation to become part of that story, to become citizens of a kingdom characterized by loving God and loving others.

As Scot McKnight writes in his book The King Jesus Gospel,

The gospel is the Story of Jesus as the completion of the Story of Israel as found in the Scriptures, and that gospel story formed and framed the culture of the earliest Christians.

I believe it should form and frame ours, too.

Now it would be to easy for me to sit back and just be another armchair critic, judging others for how they’ve sought to pass down their faith. But there’s at least one important thing a decision-based approach to the gospel gets right: the fact that we owe it to our kids to start telling them about our faith when they’re young.

That doesn’t mean we should settle for a reductionist gospel. It doesn’t mean we should employ tactics that border on the manipulative in order to coax a decision from them.

Our kids deserve better when it comes to the gospel. 

Some of the first people to follow God had another way of passing down their faith; and it’s time we rediscovered it. The ancient Israelites passed their faith to each generation by telling their story:

In the future, when your son asks you, “What is the meaning of the stipulations, decrees and laws the Lord our God has commanded you?” tell him: “We were slaves of Pharaoh in Egypt, but the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand.” (from Deuteronomy 6)

Tell your story.


Three years ago, I became a parent.

Suddenly these questions — What is the gospel? How do we pass it on to our kids? — took on a new sense of urgency. Suddenly the stakes got very real.

Could I live out my faith in a way that would nurture my daughter’s spiritual curiosity? Could I tell the story of our faith so that someday she would come to embrace it as her own?

Inspired in part by the depiction of the gospel set out in Scot’s book, I began writing my own sketch of this story — the whole gospel story — for my daughter. I meant for it to be something we could read together when she’s a bit older, a first introduction to our story of faith.

About a year ago, I shared an early draft on this blog. Then it got shared on a few other blogs, including Scot’s. A few people said I should try turning it into a children’s book. I’ve always thought I would write book someday. I just didn’t think it would be a children’s book.

But I gave it a shot. With the help of a good friend, I found an amazing agent. Together, we crafted a proposal. Then re-crafted it. And re-crafted it again. Finally, we sent it off to some publishers. And waited.

Then one day I signed a contract with David C. Cook.

(There was plenty of nail-biting in between.)

My book will tell the whole gospel as a single story — starting with God’s good world, which he made for us to share with him, and telling how God set out to rescue us from exile so he could be our king once more, making the world right and good again.

Unlike most storybook Bibles, it will be something parents and kids can read together in a single sitting. But it’s not a quick fix. It’s not a replacement sinner’s prayer. It’s not primarily a tool for coaxing a decision. It’s something that can help you to begin this journey with your kids, to start telling the story of your faith.

In the end, this will always be the book I wrote for my daughter. But my hope (and prayer) is that it will help a few other kids take their first steps of faith, too.

More details to come! (Including figuring out what that second book will be…)


16 thoughts on “How I unexpectedly wound up writing a children’s book

  1. So awesome! Excited to learn more about your book. I was five when I prayed the “Sinner’s Prayer”, too. Since then, I’ve come to this decision: We call Jesus our Lord and our Savior. For me, it’s a two part process… part one, a momentary decision, is all we can achieve in our original sinful state– the call out for a Savior, most often in a hell-avoidance measure, to use your phrase. Part two is the life-long process of forming our relationship with our Lord– it’s as big a part of what we call “faith” as “getting saved.”


  2. From Texan pianist to “Dutch” children’s author…hmmm. I knew you when…which begs the question: If I have an “in” with the author, can I get a copy of the book faster?? 🙂
    But seriously, fantastic news!!


    1. Excellent questions! 🙂 We’re still working on a final title and release date. If I had to guess, I’d say late 2014 or early 2015…but that’s just a guess at this point. I’m in the process of finalizing the manuscript right now…


  3. My twin Godchildren love your book and they are only 2 1/2. Nick’s pictures are so full of Bible stories that I don’t think it has been read the same way as we always end up on detours into other stories, which is wonderful. Thank you both.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m a Christian, and honestly don’t understand this idea that our children should one day accept my faith as their own. Faith is a personal matter, and imo, we shortchange our children when we try and define Truth for them. My faith is radically different from my parents, and while it would be neat, I don’t want my children to feel like they need be Christians just because mommy is(or Wiccan because other Mommy is) I want children to explore and find that which appeals to their most innate self, not that which appeals to them because we mold them in such a way that they have blinders to other ideas.

    I doubt that is what you were going for, but the language used in your post unfortunately gives me that impression.


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